Visual Identity

Concept and Visual Identity designed for Mind3D, a US-based online and distance education company.​​​​​​​
About the concept:

Humans rely on social interaction to achieve many important goals. 
These interactions rely in turn on people's capacity
to understand others' mental states:
          Their thoughts and feelings
Do different cultures understand minds in different ways, or do widely shared principles describe how different cultures understand mental states? 
Extensive data suggest that the mind organizes mental state concepts using the 3d Mind Model, composed of the psychological dimensions: 
Rationality (vs. emotionality); 
Social impact (states which affect others more vs. less); and 
Valence (positive vs. negative states).
The typography is built by expressive curves, but its three-dimensional  faces are straight and obtuse
The MIND3D Logotype is represented by feminine and masculine at the same time through your unexpected depth designed. ​​​​​​​
Color Palette and Official Font Family.
The Mental State Representation of Unconscious, Subconsciouns and Conscious.
Nothing is by chance, there is a pattern very logical and simple.

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