Project coordination; Visual Identity; Graphic Design; Responsive Design; Visual communication

→ The MUPA garden visitation application will act as an important tool in promoting the preservation of plant and insect species; awareness of biodiversity conservation; and, enjoyment of works of art in addition to contributing to a more effective experience with nature. The app is divided into three main sections highlighted on the map by color patches and icons.​​​​​​​
Each section will provide detailed information about: 
Bees section (yellow): the visitor can find information about the species of native stingless bees present in the garden, drawings of their anatomy, shape of the hives and data on the habits of each species;
Botanical Section (green):  all species of trees and other plants such as yerba mate, camellia, for example, will be mapped. In addition, the relationships of these species with Brazilian and Paraná history will be presented;
Sculptures section (lilac): technical data on the works will be provided, such as title, author's name, year of production, as well as a brief history of the context in which it was produced.
Each item that forms a section will have a brief explanatory text that will be accompanied by a photograph or animation. In these short videos, for example, the visitor will have clear information about the anatomy of the species of bees present in the garden, and the photosynthesis process, among other topics.
→ The public browsing the MUPA Garden web app
→ Museu Paranaense Garden pictures:

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